Important HOT fix for Lotus Domino error (“The collection has become invalid.”)

Strongback Consulting

Several bloggers had posted issues with an error message in their logs on Domino 7.0.4,,,,,, 8.5.1, and 8.5.1 FP1. This error will show in your log file as “The collection has become invalid.” It is caused by a fix to another SPR where in your LotusScript or Java code, you are looping through a view, using GetDocumentbyKey(key).

The original fix was designed to prevent an infinite loop, which it did by limiting the number of iterations to a fixed number, and then returning an error afterward. This in effect, broke many applications, and required immediate remediation to get critical applications working. Organizations with thousands of lines of this code, faced huge issues!

A hot fix was released yesterday (March 12) to address this problem. Now the algorithm still ensures that only a limited number of attempts is made to update a view. However, instead of returning the error message when the view is unable to be brought up to date, the code will return the most recent contents of the view. This allows existing applications to work as they always have, with no modification.

If you are running any of the above versions of Domino, you should submit a PMR to get the hotfix. Click here to open a service request with IBM Support.

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Strongback Consulting