What is Strongback
What is a “Strongback”

Allow the IT professionals of Strongback Consulting to be your organization’s strongback. In this 21st century, a company’s IT processes and architecture are the ships for its success and profitability. They must be able to weather the often turbulent seas of technological change. Without a reliable IT architecture, the fleet of ships that is your business will not be seaworthy. AtStrongback Consulting, we will be straight and level with you. We will help you launch your projects to the public. We focus on delivering a reliable, solutions oriented experience to every client. Like those shipbuilders of old, we at Strongback Consulting know that even in this technological age, successful ventures begin on a solidly constructed foundation.
Our Corporate Values are EPIC
- Experience
- Our consultants have a depth of experience that gives us a unique advantage. Our consultants have, on average, over 12 years of IT and industry experience. We spend our bench time studying the latest software updates and trends in the industry so that we can provide our customers with a depth of knowledge. This is evident in our conference presentations, our blog articles, and even in the training courses we provide.
- Profitability
- We make no apologies for making a living. However, if a project is not profitable for us, its likely to provide little value to our customers. Thus we look to provide our customers a quantitative return on investment for our services.
- Integrity
- Very simply, we do what we say, we say what we do. We’re known for providing information to our customers in an honest up front format. If we see something that is not right, we’ll let you know. We will tell you what you don’t want to hear, if its the truth. Its also the way we approach communication among our consultants. If one of us makes a mistake, we own up to it. We sleep well at night because of it.
- Craftsmanship
- What do you think of when you hear “craftsmanship?”. If you envision skilled hands creating custom products with unrivaled quality, then imagine this applied to software solutions. That is us. We take pride in what we do. We want our customers to feel rewarded by working with us, to receive results that removes competitive obstacles, accelerates the time to market for their products and services, and improves the bottom line.