Lessons in how NOT to implement IBM DevOps tools (Antipatterns)

Lessons in how NOT to implement IBM DevOps tools (Antipatterns)

This week we presented at the IBM InterConnect conference in Vegas. This was information compiled from multiple customer engagements over...

What does it mean to “Shift Left”?

What does it mean to “Shift Left”?

If you are at IBM InterConnect, you’ll frequently hear the phrase “shift left”. Its meaning may go over your head...

Our sessions at IBM InterConnect 2016

Our sessions at IBM InterConnect 2016

For those of you going to IBM InterConnect next week, we will be presenting the following sessions.  Session Schedule Number...

Strongback Presentations at IBM InterConnect 2015

Strongback Presentations at IBM InterConnect 2015

Strongback will be hosting two presentations this year. These are in the DevOps tracks, and in the Mandalay Bay side...

Strongback Consulting